Civil Society Conference on UNSCR 2250 “Youth Peace and Security”
December 12, Press Conference Room – Italian Chamber of Deputies in Rome

Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security, together with the United Network of Young Peacebuilders under the patronage of the “Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding” and “Anna Lindh Foundation Italy” organized a press conference at the Press conference room of the Italian Chamber of Deputies in Rome to promote and advance the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 “Youth Peace and Security”.
The resolution is historical as for the first time the positive role of youth on maintaining peace and international security was recognized by the most important UN body such as the Security Council. The aim of our conference was to raise awareness on the Youth Peace and Security agenda at Italian national level and to promote the adoption of a National Action Plan where Civil Society Organizations are part of it since the designing to the implementation.
The following organizations were part of the conference:
SCPS – Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security: organizer
UNOY – United Network of Young Peacebuilders: co-organizer
CSPPS – Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding: patronage
Anna Lindh Foundation Italy: patronage
ASviS – Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile: speaker
Rondine International PeaceLab: speaker
Agency for Peacebuilding: speaker
Rete Italiana Giovani Pace e Sicurezza: speaker