Away from Home Asiatic and Libyan routes, refugees’ main itineraries – the cases of Ankara and Mantova

Description: System and Generation Association and Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security are glad to invite you to the second roundtable session of “Away from Home” project, within the Anna Lindh Foundation Intercultural Cities and Learning Programme, providing information on the main itineraries of the refugee communities to enter in Italy and Turkey and to reach the cities of Ankara and Mantua, plus analysis of their integration and inclusion in the local territory and in the hosting civil society.
Special Guests: Mr. Andrea Caprini, Assessor for Welfare in the city of Mantua and Mr.Özcan Ülger, coordinator of GODCER Association for Immigrants rights and social cohesion, former consultant at UNHCR and UN, and social worker at Keçiören Migration Center.